He was the governor of new York
You could get yourself informed on trusted government or political sites. You could watch the news, have verbal sources for information, or research things on various sites of the internet.
Certain Government sites will tell you about the outcomings of the election, the state of our nation with other countries (Such as Afghanistan), and other various things.
Watching the news is a debatable source of information. For example, some news programs tell it how it is, while other sources will pull on your heartstrings or bring up evidence to give you a sense of empowerment.
Verbal sources include podcasts and people around you.
Various sites of the internet means going onto a lot of different sites and getting the opinions and facts centered around something. This can include following a political channel.
Usually books are included in information-grabbing, but there will likely not be a book on something happening right now, as it takes months for a book to go through the stages.
Answer: Lincoln also supported granting African Americans
The Ten Percent Plan ... The president offered to all white Southerners, except who were willing to ... Lincoln also supported granting African Americans ... Andrew Johnson veto the Freedmen's Bureau Bill and the Civil Rights Act ... were passed by a Congress that did not include representatives from all states.