So, first turn your fractions into decimals. ⅞ = 0.875 which rounded is 0.88. 4/5 = 0.8. Next, put the decimals into the equation to replace the fractions. 0.88 + 4.2 - 0.8. Next solve the problem. So 0.88 + 4.2 = 5.08. Now your equation should look like this 5.08 - 0.8. Then subtract 0.8 from 5.08 which gives you 4.28. So 4.28 is your answer.
The answer would be 2.5 oz. of solution
Step-by-step explanation:
If you need 1:6,000 ratio and the pool you are cleaning is 15,000 then you divide 15,000 by 6,000 and you get what your ratio should be
Answer: 6.35444444×10^13 gallons
Step-by-step explanation:
So a dishwasher uses 444 gallons of water per load.
That means it'll use 444*215215215 = 95555555460 gallons of water for 215215215 loads
Since washing dishes by hand takes 666 as much as water in comparison to using a dishwasher, we can do 95555555460x666 to find that you need 6.36399999×10^13 gallons of water to wash 215215215 loads.
The question asks for how much more water in gallons you can save, so do 6.36399999×10^13 - 95555555460 to get 6.35444444×10^13 gallons
84/25 (84/25 = 3.36)
Hope to help