Social influence model
The social influence model has its basis on the Social Learning Theory proposed by Bandura, which indicates that behavior comes from either positive or negative influences. Individuals that are part of the social sphere (such as parents and peers) and subjection to the media usually work as impact models, representing proper or improper behavior.
The Constitution does not set any qualifications for service as a Justice, thus the President may nominate any individual to serve on the Court. Senate cloture rules historically required a two-thirds affirmative vote to advance nominations to a vote; this was changed to a three-fifths supermajority in 1975.
The answer is Core.
Core beliefs are assumptions about ourselves, others, and the world. They are beliefs that are learned from our environment. We all have core beliefs and everyone's is different as they represent how and where have been raised and who or what we have been exposed to. Core beliefs are instilled in us and are very hard to change. They are assumptions we make about life and determine how we act as well as how happy or depressed we are.
It is the decision of the Supreme Court complex ruling in O'Connor v. Ortega. This case delineated two sectors in the workplace: public and private. Within the private sector, the Supreme Courts stated, "Every warrantless workplace search must be evaluated carefully on its facts. In the public sector, however, as established in the O'Connor case, public agencies may have compelling reasons to search in the workplace.