First, a judge may write a dissent to persuade the majority, and the dissenting opinion may ultimately become the majority opinion. Second, a dissent can improve the majority opinion by pointing out the majority's mistakes either in its description of the facts, the law, or in its reasoning.
Nubia supplied Egypt with gold and other precious metals while Egypt supplied Nubia with pottery and linen
Seized Ethiopia to expand its empire.
Fascism founded by Mussolini in Italy in 1925. It is a kind of government that permits one-party dictatorship control in a nation. Fascist authorities have always maintained to be autocratic and militaristic. During the Fascism, all the civil rights ( fundamental freedom) taken away from people. Some of the rights included equality, freedom, and expression. The army gained enormous funding, where soldiers and military glorified.
Italy joined in an imperial scramble in Africa and tried to seize Ethiopia. Their humiliating defeat in 1896 led them to try again in 1911, which resulted in victory on the Italian side.
To have some fun and not be bored all the time
1) Oil prices and economic inefficiency.
Yamani, declared that Saudi Arabia was quitting the agreement on oil production restraint, and started to boost its share in the oil market. After this, Saudi Arabia increased oil production by 5.5 fold, and oil prices dropped by 6.1 fold,
2) ethnic tensions
3) Gorbachev’s reforms