towards the cell, because salt, and the cell may die
CSF is produced in choroid plexus
Plants rely on bees and other insects to reproduce and so they have adapted, over time, to become more attractive to them. Bees are drawn to plants with open or flat tubular flowers with lots of pollen and nectar. A flower's scent can have particular appeal to bees, and its bright colours may lure the bees in.
The hypothesis of Rodman and Mchenry's involves mainly in energetic efficiency moving between patches of forest, to the account for the success of the bipedal adaptation in early hominids.
Habitual bipedalism was not driven by the encephalization, but vice versa. Mchenry pointed out that the theories and origin of bipedalism has a significance and speculative, it is important because they are implicated in differentiation.
The reason why I think these fossils are more common fossils than those of soft tissues or microorganisms one reason is that soft tissues decompose better than bone which gives more time for them to be buried.