It all dependes on the money you make and how big the payments are. as you can say you waited tell the day you where going to retire but you but 10,000 dollars in your saving every hour by the end of the day youd have 240,000 dollars in your retirement account.
Policies consistent with the goal of increasing productivity and growth in developing countries are:
1. Protecting property rights and enforcing contracts
2. Providing tax breaks and patents for firms that pursue research and development in health and sciences
To increase productivity and growth in developing countries, it is important that developing countries enhance the mechanisms for protecting property rights and enforcing contracts. These are the bases for attracting more foreign direct investments. The court system should be a system where justice is obtained and a system which can enforce the rights of individuals to own property. Without this basic ingredient, foreign direct investments will be hard to attract.
Based solely on the ending cash b as landed amount provided, it a year over year decrease of 45,000.
The broker is doing two different jobs; so it is okay to have two different licenses.
In this case, since the broker is doing two different jobs then it is okay for him to have two different licenses. In a hypothetical case that the individual Broker was doing the same job role for two different companies then that would be considered a form of conflict of interest and may cause problems with both firms in the future. Since this is not the case, then he should not have any problem.
cross trade
In simple words, A cross trade can be understood as a transaction when purchase and sell requests for the identical instrument are balanced alone without transaction being recorded on the market. Whenever a stockbroker performs matching buy and sell transactions for about the exact securities across several customer accounts plus reports these on an interchange, this is known like a cross transaction.