When something appears blue, it is absorbing all colors except blue.
Hope this helps!
The correct answer is 2.67 ATP per molecule.
With the help of sucrose, it comes to known that the dissociation of a sugar-sugar bond generates one phosphorylated monosaccharide. Therefore, raffinose, which is a trisaccharide exhibits bonds of two sugar-sugar molecules. Post dissociation, they will generate one regular monosaccharide and two phosphorylated monosaccharides.
There will be the generation of net ATPs by each phosphorylated monosaccharide as they are already phosphorylated. While the regular monosaccharide, which is first needed to get phosphorylated will only produce two ATPs. Thus, a total of 8 ATPs will be produced by one molecule of raffinose. After dividing by three monosaccharides, the molecule will produce 8/3 = 2.67 ATPs per monosaccharide.
Los trigliceridos antes de ser disociados en moleculas energeticas necesitan ser absorvidos.
Para eso es importante aclarar que se absorbe nen elintestino en forma de quilomicron, por su caracteristica hidrofuga y son emulsionados por el jugo pancreatico y los jugos provenientes de la vesicula.
Una vez absorbido, este puede seguir diferentes rutas metabolicas de un cuerdo a la necesidad energetica de la persona.
En el caso que una persona obtiene energía de un acido graso o de su reserva adiposa es por que no hay mas reserva de glucogeno, es decir en ayunos prolongados, en personas con dificultad de asimulacion glucosidica como los diabeticos, personas con trastornos anorexicos recientes.
Las grasas contienen una gran aporte de ATP posterior a la adicion de CO2 y H20, en los procesos de beta oxidacion y el ciclo del acido citrico.
El metabolismo de estos se considera toxico en momentos prolongados ya que el producto de su metabolizacion son los cuerpos cetonicos. Los cuerpos cetonicos aumentan la cetoacidosis de la sangre y atraviezan la barrera hematoencefalica.
El ph por la cetoacidosis disminuye generando toxicidad tisular y del snc, hiperventilacion, hipercapnia, cansancio, aliento cetonico, fallo proteico de algunos complejos enzimaticos de nuestro organismo.
Ademas esimportante aclarar que el ser humano obtiene carbohidratos del glicerol y no de la porcion de acidos grasos.
The metabolic capacities should be:
Bacteria that fulfill replicative cycles, have a metabolization that requires a substrate or a metabolite, coexist in extreme environments where their method of survival is sporulation.
Ability to admit genetic mutations between different bacterial colonies for their possible evolution, an ideal environment with pH, gases, and substrates according to the life of the bacterial colony, which is often called as a culture medium.
Temperature is essential in bacterial growth, as is the pressure and environment that surrounds the bacteria.
Something that must be taken into account is that other microorganisms coexist with the bacteria in the medium, since they can be limited to their colonization, an example of this is the gram negative and positive bacteria, coccoid and bacilloid, which generally are not compatible with the penicillium fungus, as this, as a product of its metabolization, releases a substance called penicillin that prevents the colonizing growth of other species of microorganisms such as this type of bacteria.