<h2>ANSWER</h2><h2 /><h2 />
“The White Man's Burden” presents the conquering of non-white races as white people's selfless moral duty. This conquest, according to the poem, is not for personal or national benefit, but rather for the gain of others—specifically, for the gain of the conquered.
a heuristic
Heuristics are mental shortcuts used by people when finding solutions to problems and when making efficient and hasty decisions and judgments. They shorten the time used in making decision and allows people to make judgments without thinking of their next line of action. Mr. Lee is therefore using heuristics by teaching the students how to use shortcuts (dissecting similar research papers) to achieve writing their own research paper.
1. There isnt enough man power
2. Not enough recorces
3. Didnt have technology unlike now
Law 12 by Chris Seo on Prezi-
Link : https://prezi.com/m/9uagfexw7u2i/law-12/
Under Hammurabi's laws, the distinction between an accident and deliberate action was almost non-existent. ... meaning that they did not care whether a crime was intentional, or accidental .