they are different
law is enforced and theory is not
Diffusion is the movement of molecules down a concentration gradient from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration until equilibrium is reached.
The rate (speed) of diffusion depends on:
1) concentration gradient (the more molecules there are, the faster the distribution ; the more crowded the molecules are, they distribute more rapidly).
2) size of the molecules (smaller substances diffuse faster)
3) chemical composition (molecules that can easily dissolve in the bilipid cell membrane can diffuse faster).
The most common way these trees undergo pollination is through seeds and pollen.
The pollination is done with help of wind and birds where pollen transform from one plant to another.
The plants that undergoes pollination process through the seeds that are present in it are called as Angiosperms. These contains fruits. The seeds are usually present inside these fruits. Flowering plants are also called as Angiosperms.
These fruits and flowers are absent in gymnosperm. Even then they contain seeds inside the leaves surface. They will undergo pollination with these naked seeds. It is the fruits, flowers and the endosperm that are present in the seeds that help us to find difference between these two. The only common thing that exists between these two are seeds and pollen with which they pollinate.
In gymnosperms, pollen is transferred from male cone to female cone through wind or birds. Now, the pollen is germinated into pollen tubes and sperm for egg fertilization.
Light weighted, easy to put and inexpensive asphalt shingles are the best for roofing.
After the long termed testing of shingles it has been found that asphalt shingles are the best choice to put on the roof of house. It has a dependency of maximum 50 years and is easy to put on the roof. It is the most cheap shingle too rather than other roofing products.
Multitab shingles are hard and toughest to install rather than light weighted shingles. Asphalts are sun and rain tested and has attractive outlook.
The instrument is called fiber optic bronchoscope. It is the instrument that is used to examine the bronchial tree and to remove objects aspirated into air passages. The procedure is called bronchoscopy which allows the doctor to look at the airway through the instrument. During this procedure the doctor examines the throat, larynx, trachea, and lower airways. It also allows the doctor to remove small samples of tissue (biopsy).