Your chest may hurt because you might have something going on your body.
You might have a itchy throat or you might be sick.
I believe it's asexual reproduction??
Bend knees 90 degrees( kind of like a squat) this puts the least pressure and strain on your back. Place hands to pick up box (depends on the box, but mostly at the sides and hold from below) slowing straighten legs/knees from the positions and then proceed to place it on table. If the table is lowers than your level of holding the box, begin to bend knees to rest the box on the table.
You take responsibility in protecting yourself from substance abuse whether that means being distant from someone who abuses substances, or not giving into peer pressure, or even just avoiding it all together and telling yourself and others no.
Identify Skills needed
Setup a working Structure
Assign available resources within the Structure to carry out the mission Successfully.