Answer: Jobs in state government.
The fact is that the worker is also protected in the private sector. However, laws protecting workers in the public sector are much stronger and less susceptible to change. On the other hand, unions play a significant role in today's capitalist society. The association of workers employed in the public sector is one of the most active unions in the country and, as such, offers better protection for the worker. Also, business in the state government is safe, while a private firm may fail due to mismanagement.
No, it definitely was not pure racism.
While individuals who have pure hatred and racist views against other groups of people have always existed, during the centuries that slavery existed, not everyone who owned slaves or supported slavery justified their position on the basis of racist arguments.
Very often, these arguments in favor of racism were made from an economic point of view. They justified slavery because slavery was fundamental for their economic well-being. Some people even justified slavery under supposedly moral, ethical, or religious reasons, arguing that slaves were better off under the control of their owners, or that some religious scripture justified slavery.
i dont think thay do. i might just be dumb tho...
Please be more specific I don’t quite understand the question