Answer:cell wall yes plant cell no animal
mitochondria yes both
chloroplasts yes plant cell no animal cell
nucleus yes both
Vacuoles yes both
Lysosomes yes both
I believe the answer is the global free-market approach.
It is because on continually increasing use of earth's natural capital, and it focuses on short term economic benefits with little regard for degradation and depletion of natural capital and resulting long-term harmful environmental, health, and social consequences. Environmental world views are the ways of thinking about how the world work and beliefs that people hold about their roles in the natural world, another factor is widespread lack of understanding of how earth's life-support system works, keeps us alive, and supports economies.
Answer: The noble gases are a group of chemical elements that make up Group 18 on the periodic table. These gases all have similar properties under standard conditions: they are all odorless, colorless, monatomic gases with very low chemical reactivity.
Hydrogen is more frequently bonded with Carbon.