Likely B. Liquidity is basically the measurement of how quickly a given investment can be turned into cash. If you can sell it or take money from it quickly, it is liquid. Any one of the others (A, C or D) can be withdrawn from in a short time, and thus are very liquid. CDs, however, are set to a specified amount of time. You deposit money for, say, 5 years and then are allowed to withdraw it, not before. Thus, it is not liquid.
Explicit costs - $51,000
Explicit costs are those for which a person incurs in actual spending of money. In this case, Christine had to pay $15,000 in wages, and $36,000 in rent ($3,000 x 12). These are expenses that she had to pay money for, and that had to be accounted for in the accounting books, and in the financial statements. These are in other words, explicit costs.
Implicit costs - $40,000
Implicit costs are simply the opportunity costs. An opportunity cost is the cost of the next more valuable alternative when faced with two or more options. No money is paid for this costs. The implicit costs for Christine were the $40,000 that she not receive as wages if she had continued working at a real state firm.
Answer: As far as business is concerned, the most popular ownership structure in the U.S. is SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP.
Sole proprietorship is the form of business that is owned by a single person, it is easy to form and the business owner exercises total control over their business.
The business owner is solely liable for losses made in the business, and also enjoys all the profits of the business alone.
Usually this kind of business will mostly end with the death of the business owner.
The correct answer is: Moral awareness.
Moral awareness refers to the set of actions individuals take driven by values and beliefs that drive them not to only think about themselves but also in the consequences on others. In business, companies need to consider what the impact of their actions is with their surrounding environment and their inner circle -employees.
The answer is 2
Answer is the letter D the overall way you deal ith conflicts