The Spanish and the Portuguese were the first European nations to touch and colonize the Americas. The interaction between the natives of the Americas and the Spanish specifically were absolutely vile. The Spaniards decimated entire populations of Native Americans in the Carribean. The Portuguese on the other hand initially took interest in Newfoundland but quickly abandoned that area for the lush coast of modern day Brazi. They constructed many settlements along the coast of Brazil. the Portuguese also had numerous skirmishes with the native inhabitants of South America and also brought over African slaves; they intermarried with the natives, giving birth to a unique mulatto ethnic group.
Urban development becouse f increase in population and etc.
C he threatened to use force on the tariffs in south Carolina
He did so because he wanted revenge on France and England for winning the first war. He was a young soldier in the WWI and felt that Germany was shamed after the war. So he started the second to gain respect back and to prove that their country was also a great superpower. He believed in racial purification and wanted to take over Europe and remodel it the way he wanted.
Treaty of Sèvres, (August 10, 1920), post-World War I pact between the victorious Allied powers and representatives of the government of Ottoman Turkey. The treaty abolished the Ottoman Empire and obliged Turkey to renounce all rights over Arab Asia and North Africa.