1. C.) Their cell walls contain chitin
2. C.) Chloroplast
The heart of a lazy person pumps blood less efficiently than an athlete who has trained and prepared to achieve a high performance, this can be understood with the example of football players who will play in other countries that have a higher altitude than the country of origin and has to go before to get used to the rarer air
Answer: B. Tendons; ligaments
Explanation: Tendons are white, inelastic and tough connective tissue that attach skeletal muscle to bone. Tendons attach muscles to structures such as the eyeball. Fibres in tendons are arranged as compact parallel bundles.
A ligament is a yellow, elastic and strong fibrous connective tissue which attaches bone to bone. Ligaments usually hold bones together and keep them stable. Fibres of the ligament are compactly packed and but they are not arranged in parallel bundles as that of tendons.
Pocket gophers<span> and </span>their<span> ecological cognates worldwide </span>have<span> profound impacts on </span>ecosystems<span>, from consuming vegetation to altering the soil physically. The rodents excavate vast burrow systems and deposit tailings in abandoned tunnels and on the ground surface.</span>