2. sodium ion that has lost an electron
Sheep and goats are important livestock species in developing countries. Of the world's 1,614million sheep and 475 million goats, 65% and 95%, respectively, are located in developing countries. Fifty-three percent of the total small-ruminant population in the developing countries is found in Asia, particularly in India and Pakistan, 33% in Africa, and 14% in Latin America (FAO, 1984).
Goats are hardy and well-adapted to harsh climates. Due to their grazing habits and physiological characteristics, they are able to browse on plants that would normally not be eaten by other livestock species. Thus, the presence of goats in mixed species grazing systems can lead to a more efficient use of the natural resource base and add flexibility to the management of livestock. This last characteristic is especially desirable in fragile environments.
Sheep and goats contribute to a broad range of production systems. The most common system throughout the developing countries involve either the extensive system with large herds and/or flocks grazing on arid and semi-arid rangelands or the intensive system with smaller herds and/or flocks kept in confinement, mostly in the humid tropics.
Answer will be b for question
Because carbon dioxide is a GREENHOUSE GAS, it can trap the sun's heat in the atmosphere. Because the factory is made of concrete, it may deplete groundwater levels overtime by not allowing water to INFILTRATE.
Greenhouse gases trap the sun's heat and this is how we can feel it. Without greenhouse gases the earth's average temperature would be 30 degrees less. Other greenhouse gases include water vapor and methane. Increases in the levels of Greenhouse gasses are responsible for present day global warming.
Infiltration is the process by which water enters the soil and eventually becomes part of the groundwater.