a. systematic desensitization
Systematic desensitization is basically a type of behavioural therapy that is largely based on the principle of classical conditioning.
It is a behavioural therapy that have its focus on removing phobia, fear and anxiety. It achieves this by replacing the fear response of a phobia with relaxing counter condition to the phobia.
It's main application is in the treatment of fear, anxiety disorders and phobias. To make use if this method, the person is first engaged in some type of relaxation exercise and gradually he will be exposed to an anxiety-producing stimulus, like an object or place.
Tamara's phobia is contracting germs, her therapist gradually exposing her to touch diets within a relaxed environment is a classical example of systematic desensitization.
Because if his basic needs are not fulfilled he can't focus on learning and he does not have the motivation to do so.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs states that in order for an individual to succeed, he/she has to have their needs satisfied.
This is best represented by his Pyramid of Needs; in order for an individual to pass to the next stage, he/she has to have the basic needs fulfilled.
In this case, since the child comes to school hungry and without a coat, it can be deduced that his physiological needs (water, food, clothing) are not met, thus he cannot go on to the next stages in order to pass the grade.
However, when there is a heat wave and soil temperatures increase, plant roots are less able to compensate for varying levels of soil moisture within the soil profile. When soil temperature rises above an optimum threshold, plant water and nutrient uptake can be impeded, causing damage to plant components
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