Since you already changed the fractions into decimals, it will be easier to change it into fraction with the denominator of 100 or 1000.
All you have to do is move the decimals to the right in order to find the denominator.
14a) 50/100 OR 51/100 the bigger number would be 51/100 or 0.51
14b) 80/100 or 85/100 the bigger is 85/100 or 0.85
14c) 750/1000 or 734/1000 the bigger number is 750/1000 or 3/4.
Hope this helps.
C. an additional viewpoint to consider regarding whiskers
When news stations were talking about the immigrant families being separated from children can be very biased because some news anchors support Trump in whatever he is doing and other do not support him or agree with what he is doing it can be problematic because the news anchors in favor of trump will only talk about the good things about him meanwhile the ones opposed to him will talk about bad things about him