The mangroves trees help in holding the soil in place, they help in absorbing the energy of waves, and they help in filtering water and better the quality of it.
Mangroves are a kind of estuarine or coastal wetland, featured by the existence of salt amended shrubs and trees, which develops beside the coast in subtropical or tropical latitudes all around the world. Several of the mangroves forests can be determined by their dense tangle of prop roots, which make the trees seem to be standing on stilts above the water.
The mangroves safeguard the shorelines from destructing hurricane, storms, winds, and floods. They help in inhibiting erosion by stabilizing the sediments with their tangled root infrastructure. They sustain the clarity and quality of water, trapping the sediments and filtering pollutants arising from land.
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Chromosomal Mutation
The development and function of an organism is in large part controlled by genes. Mutations can lead to changes in the structure of an encoded protein or to a decrease or complete loss in its expression. Because a change in the DNA sequence affects all copies of the encoded protein, mutations can be particularly damaging to a cell or organism. In contrast, any alterations in the sequences of RNA or protein molecules that occur during their synthesis are less serious because many copies of each RNA and protein are synthesized.
Geneticists often distinguish between the genotype and phenotype of an organism. Strictly speaking, the entire set of genes carried by an individual is its genotype, whereas the function and physical appearance of an individual is referred to as its phenotype. However, the two terms commonly are used in a more restricted sense: genotype usually denotes whether an individual carries mutations in a single gene (or a small number of genes), and phenotype denotes the physical and functional consequences of that genotype.
Cells are the basic building blocks of life, which can join together to form tissues, while different groups of tissues join together to form organs. These organs are then connected together to form organ systems, such as the digestive system, which includes the stomach, esophagus, intestines and other organs.