An independent variable
An experiment consists of two variables viz: independent and dependent variable. Independent variable is the variable that the experimenter controls in order to influence or effect a change in the measurable variable called dependent variable. As the name suggests, the dependent variable is dependent on the independent variable.
For example, a scientist is trying to conduct an experiment on how the caffeine level in different types of drink affects the time of sleep in individuals. The independent variable in this experiment is the TYPE OF DRINKS because it is the variable controlled by the experimenter in order to influence the time of sleep (measurable outcome).
Metabolizma, organizmalardaki yaşamı sürdüren kimyasal reaksiyonlar kümesidir. Üç ana ... Bu ortak kimya, hücrelerin küçük bir metabolik set kullanmasına izin verir ... Organik bileşikler (proteinler, lipitler ve karbonhidratlar) karbonun çoğunu içerir ... İlk olarak, bir enzimin bir yoldaki düzenlenmesi etkinliği nasıl
No. Zooplankton feed on phytoplankton. Phytoplankton cannot photosynthesize in the dark. (The Benthric Zone is the lowest level of the ocean/a body of water, no sunlight can really reach there.)
Other than contributing to potential increase in diversity of species in an ecosystem, exotic species have positive benefits like removing toxins from the soil, regulating erosion, and controlling undesirable species.