Answer: The answer is below
the general perception of all poor as thieves and robbers - the belief that thieves and robbers are abundant in Ireland
poor husbands' low opinion of their wives - Men would become as fond of their wives, during the time of their pregnancy, as they are now of their mares in foal, their cows in calf, or sow when they are ready to farrow.
The increasing number of husbands abandoning their wives and children - the perception that Irish families lack a regard for the institution of marriage
The government's lack of attention to the poor - the lack of institutions to conduct marriages for the Irish poor
They can very seldom pick up a livelihood by stealing till they arrive at six years old; except where they are of towardly parts, although I confess they learn the rudiments much earlier - These children are seldom the fruits of marriage, a circumstance not much regarded by our savages.