These pockets contain the active site, which is the area of an enzyme where the substrate binds and the chemical reaction takes place. In the active site, amino acids of the enzyme protein will bind to the substrate. ... When binding to a substrate, enzymes may undergo an induced fit.
large central vacuole
cell wall
Let me clear some things up for you. There are two types of cells - Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. The principle difference between these types of cells are the structure of their genome. In case of prokaryotes, the genomic matter do not have a defined structure, it just kind of floats around in the protoplasm. But in the eukaryotes, the genome is more structured, have all kinds of proteins associated with them, and is surrounded by a two layered sack called the nuclear membrane. Both plant and animal cells have these feature of structured nucleus, therefore, they are both eukaryotes.
Now for the difference between plant and animal cells. the features you mentioned are unique about plant cells, but do not rule them out from being eukaryotes, as the 'true' structure of the nucleus is still there. Cell walls are necessary for the plant cells because plants do not posses an endoskeleton like most of the animals do. The cell wall makes the whole plant rigid so they don't fall apart or appear like a blob. Chloroplast is where photosynthesis happens, so it should most definitely be in a plant cell. Animals don't do photosynthesis so they don't have chloroplasts. Vacuoles are also present in animal cells, but they are much smaller, greater in number, and are known as lysosomes. Functionally they are virtually the same.
Hyposecretion of insulin is the production when number of hormone or too little of a hormone. It can be caused by the destruction of hormone-secreting cells, such as in Type 1 diabetes, or by a deficiency in a nutrient that is important for hormone synthesis. Hyposecretion can be treated with hormone-replaceme
pretty sure it's d. invasive species
the reason a species is called invasive is if it is incredibly difficult to get rid of and the population is growing out of control quickly. the characteristics that was given were likewise to the behavioral problems of an invasive species.