Most economists consider 5% to be acceptable.
The answer is: the principle or practice or a program of public provision for the economic security and social welfare of the individual and his or her family; especially, capitalized both Ss : a U.S. government program established in 1935 to include old-age and survivors insurance, contributions to state unemployment insurance, and old-age assistance.
Have a nice day
My view of prison is that it should be an essential place and is necessary. The reason why is because people who do bad things that take them to jail help them learn their lessons. If jail weren't a thing people would continue doing crimes and won't stop thinking it's ok. With the harsh living conditions, people go through in jail as an inmate most will dread doing what they did which will cause less criminals in the world.
Option B
According to Augustine, there exists a difference in God’s will to
a) Something occurring necessarily
b) Something occurring voluntarily.
He further states that necessity does not preclude freedom by comparing the sufficient conditions for necessity and sufficient conditions for freedom.
He said that God’s foreknowledge is about necessity while man’s power/will leads to freedom. He equate freedom with power while maintaining free will
Option B is correct
Wundtian psychology in Germany was slow to develop because <u>"it was not seen as having practical value".</u>
The trouble was that Wundt's psychology, with its emphasis on depicting and organizing the components of cognizance, was not exceptionally valuable for taking care of genuine issues. Maybe that was one motivation behind why Wundt's psychology did not flourish in the even minded culture of the United States. Wundt moved toward brain research as an absolutely scholastic science; he had no enthusiasm for applying his brain research to down to earth concerns. In this manner, regardless of its far reaching acknowledgment at colleges in numerous different countries, Wundtian brain research at home in Germany was moderately slow to create as a distinct science.