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Future value, F=60508.29
Monthly payment, A = 165
Compounding period = month
Number of periods, n = 12*12=144
interest per period = i [ to be found ]
We have the relationship
but there is no explicit formula for i for given F, A and n.
We need to solve a non-linear equation for the value of i, the monthly interest rate.
One of the ways is to solve it by fixed iteration, i.e.
1. using the given relation, express i in terms of other parameters.
2. select an initial value of i
3. evaluate i according the equation in step 1 until the value is stable.
Here we will use the relationship to express
i=((60508.29*i)/165+1)^(1/144)-1 [ notice that i is on both sides of = sign ]
using an initial value of i=0.01 (about 1% per month).
Successively, we get
i=((60508.29*0.01075571)/165+1)^(1/144)-1=0.011160681, similarly
Assuming the above has stablilized, and the APR is 12 time the above value, namely
Annual percentage rate = 0.01157205998210142*12=0.13886=13.89%
Answer and Explanation:
The economics of scope refers to the total cost production cost i.e to be averaged for the various type of goods
While on the other hand, the economics of scale refers to the benefit of the cost than occurs when there is a higher production level at a time
Based on this, the classification is as follows
1, Economics of scale as the output rises that declines the LAC so automatically it goes downward
2. economics of scope
The answers are as follows:
1. TRUE.
Shift schedule is a practice used in manufacturing industries to increase the numbers of hours that is used in production process. The shift divides the hours in the day into specific period and assign teams that will work during each period. The shift practice is usually employed in production run in order to ensure efficient use of all resources during the production process. Production run are typically schedule into one or two shifts; which may be during the day alone or during the day and night.
Hiring the needed complement will eliminate OVERTIME, not the second shift. Hiring the needed complement usually remove the need for all overtime. Hiring the needed complement will make having a second production run team possible and this second team can handle the production process that ought to be done through overtime.
It is the duty of the management to strive to DECREASE STAFF TURNOVER.
Staff turnover refers to the rate at which employees are leaving a company and new employees are been absorbed. High staff turnover will make the company to spend more money on resources and training of new staffs.
4. TRUE.
During periods of high demand, production usually increases and more workers are hired. Instead of hiring more workers, a company that has two production shifts may decide to add more workers to the first shift in order to increase the amount of work that could be done. This will result in the decrease in the number of the workers in the second shift.
Increasing training hours decreases needed complement. Increasing the training hours will equip the workers with the needed knowledge which will make them more effective and productive. This will decreases the complement needed for the production process.
In a situation where a company has to hire more workers to the one it already has on ground as a result of increased production, then the company will have to spend extra money in the process of recruiting the needed workers.
If the productive index is already at 100%, adding overtime will decreases the productivity index. This is because, overtime has a way of reducing the efficiency and the productivity of the workers, thus decreasing the amount of work done by them.
Workers training is entered in hours. The amount of training received by workers are measured in hours. The higher the training hours, the higher the amount of training which a worker has undergone and the higher will be the value of that worker to the company.
9. C
Each company is expected to have a base amount of $1,000 for each new worker that is hired. The company may decide to eliminate all other recruiting costs but this base amount can not be eliminated.
Separation cost are incurred when production level decreases and/ or automation level increases.
Separation cost refers to the cost that is needed to lay off an employee from an organisation. When the production level decreases or the company decide to automate their production processes, then some workers will have to be sacked and these workers have to be paid some money before they leave the company. This result in increase in the amount of money that the company will spend on separation cost.
WACC is calculated as –
WACC = (Weight of common stock X Cost of common stock) + (Weight of preferred stock X Cost of preferred stock) + (Weight of debt X After tax cost of debt)
WACC = (64% X 13.4%) + (9% X 6.4%) + (27% X ((1- 40%)*8.1%))
WACC = 10.46%
b. After tax cost of debt is calculated as –
After tax cost of debt = (1- tax rate) X cost of debt pre-tax
After tax cost of debt = ((1- 40%)*8.1%))
After tax cost of debt = 4.86%