Answer: the answer should be false
Answer:1.Oswald Avery. C.M.Maclead, and M.McCarty in 1944. 2.D.Watson and Francis H.C.Crick 3.Friedrich Miescher 4.Charles Yanofsky 5.Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod and Macclyn McCarty 6.Erwin Chargaff.
The correct answer is allopatric speciation.
Allopatric speciation occurs when a geographical barrier comes between a species population living in the same area. This geographical barrier separates the population into two different geographical area which do not have the same condition.
So as both the separated population get different habitat environment to live so they evolve differently from each other. So natural selection and genetic drift works differently in both the population which brings genetic changes in the population and helps in creating a new species.
4, based on the assumption that the R allele is dominant over the r allele, and that the T allele is dominant over the t allele.
Any bush with a dominant petal color allele (R) will have red petals. This includes Rr and RR.
Any bush with a dominant bush size allele (T) will have a tall bush. This includes Tt and TT.
The only way to acquire a short bush or pink petals is to have two recessive alleles together (tt, rr).
RRTT, RrTT, RRTt, and RrTt -> red petals with tall bushes
RRtt, Rrtt -> Red petals with short bushes
rrTt, rrTT -> pink petals and tall bushes
rrtt-> pink petals with short bushes.
These are the four phenotype variations possible in this dihybrid cross.