ㅆㄲㄸㅉㅃㅃㅉㄸ ㅇ깋ㅅ후래ㅐㅇ사햐ㅐㄹ서허야내ㅐ냥루랴래라랴랴랴애ㅐ매나앛랴개재ㅐ잰아처러러ㅓ챠애나라탸냐ㅏㄴ러ㅏ넴메매내아러랴챠냐아ㅏㅓ어터냐냔냐ㅏ야냐내ㅐㅁ매배내내ㅐㅐㄴ내애애ㅐㅇ애내내내ㅐㄴ나나아대내야
Many Americans feared that as immigration increased, jobs and housing would become harder to obtain for a number of reasons: There was high unemployment in America after World War One. New immigrants were used to break strikes and were blamed for the deterioration in wages and working conditions.
A. Discourage the spread of the National Bank
European. Gold. Those are the answers.