1. Life, exist 2. pre-existing cells.
In DNA the sugar used is called deoxyribose whereas in RNA the sugar is ribose (hence DNA and RNA). The important structural difference between the two types of RNA is that mRNA takes on the shape of a line whereas tRNA has a clover-like shape.
If you have ever seen a punnett square, you should know already that usually, they have 4 (or more) little boxes with two of the same letter. (ex. EE, ee, or Ee in every box). This predicts what the genotype of the offspring would be, based on the parents' genotypes. Pedigree charts track inherited traits, whether that be a disease or health.
#1 grasses, acacia tree
#2 zebra lion
#3 C
#4 B
#5 A
also answers to photo 3 4 and 5
photo 3. D D C
photo 4. C C B
photo 5. rabbit hawk fox
B. subtract the frequency of the recessive allele from 1.