The illegal smuggling caused economic hardship in the Portuguese empire. During the 8th and 9th Centuries, tobacco became the major product in the Portugal. Tobacco’s importance as a commercial product had in fact grown steadily after 1620, and by the early 1700s, the monopoly on its sale had become one of the country’s most precious sources of income.
Together with spices, tobacco became the principle item of exchange for products from the Far East and for slaves taken from the coast from the West Africa.
In Athens you were considered an official citizen with voting rights and all that if you were a 18+ male born in Athens.
Dyslexia, it basically is when you read letters in words incorrectly so, for example, I could write I like red and some dyslexic people would read it as I like bed.
Being a capitalist country is known to be one of the major cultural patterns the United States adopts that would then result in a high level of solid waste. Industrialisation inevitably could cause to more wastes. What's worst, sometimes these wastes are not properly disposed or even treated.
The difference in each beaker is 50