Descripción Las variables dependientes e independientes son variables en modelos matemáticos, modelos estadísticos y ciencias experimentales. Las variables independientes son entradas controladas. Las variables dependientes representan la salida o el resultado resultante de alterar estas entradas.
Answer: Well for starters they have Resources that animals need and habitats where they live also certain animals belong in certain climates like if it was a cold region then snow leopards polar bears seals penguins etc. they can thrive in those regions while like bears Lions gazelles thrive and warmer and dryer regions
Pick the one that gets to your heart
Modified Mercalli Intensity <span>Scale</span>
Annual plant is a plant which life cycle is only one year. the whole plant could also die in a year. in contrast, biennial plant is a plant which life cycle is 2 years. the first tear will germinate and grow and its second year it will bloom and eventually die.