Answer - Yes! of course. For better outlook you want to be in a city like Miami, FL U.S or someone populated cause that is where your able to find patients in need of recover. Other then that we will always need occupational therapy assistant because its crucial to the recover with some help and maintenance.
Reasoning - It is in fact true because in a city you can find a populated are that probably fractured their hand and needs some assistant for help recovery if the main doctor is not there.
I believe the answer is C. Form and height
No, your body functions into the oxygen from trees. Oxygen is the only way for your blood to keep your body warm. If you dont have enough blood in your body for the oxygen it needs, then your body will keep frozen. Oxygen is the only way to make your body prosses.
Patches of fibrocartilage formed in the healing of a fracture are called <u>soft callus</u>, whereas the bony collar formed around the fracture is called <u>hard callus</u>.
In the fibrocartilage or soft bone callus phase, the necrotic bone is removed by osteoclastia and dead soft tissues are being removed by macrophages. The fibroblasts are activated and a granulation tissue is generated that supposes the appearance of new vessels and, with them, the arrival of more connective tissue cells. A tissue called fibrous callus or fibrocartilage begins to form, composed of a poorly structured amalgam of fibrous tissue, cartilage, and amorphous bone.In hard callus, bone and later cartilage are deposited in the growing historical mass. The two collars of callus, fixed to the bone at some distance from the fracture, they grow upwards and towards each other, forming an arc on focus.
Is this not about a human? We only have one aortic arch