This type of natural selection is referred to as directional selection. In this type of natural selection, either one phenotype is preferred or the other; therefore, there is no equilibrium between the populations of the phenotypes that are present.
Examples of organisms that have undergone directional selection are black bears during the ice ages, African chichlid and sockey salmon.
a. eukaryotes
b. unicellular
c. autotrophs; heterotrophs
Protists represent a separate kingdom of eukaryotic organisms (ie., organisms whose cells have a nucleus). The most important features of protists include: 1- they are unicellular organisms, 2-contain mitochondria, 3-can be parasites, and 4-generally live in optimal conditions in moist or aquatic environments. In the past, protists were divided into Protozoa (animal-like organisms) and Protophyta (plant-like organisms), which nowadays we know are heterotrophic (also often parasitic) and photosynthetic protists, respectively.
1. They play dead when faced by a predator.
2. They travel in schools of about 12.
3. Males establish their dominance by having sword fights with their spines and showing off their bright colors.
The answer is that they are somatic cells