They set it on fire in the War Of 1812, but they burned it down the year 1814
They wanted communism to spread. They also wanted to have everything their way.
They fought with the confederates. Because of the hate of many poor whites.
everyone is nervous and wants to see
The answer is It provides solid evidence for the Bering Land Bridge Theory, where the earliest settlers are from Far Northeast Asia.
Monte Verde is an archaeological site in southern Chile, which has been dated to as early as 16,500 BC. This dating added to the evidence showing that the human settlement of the Americas pre-dates the Clovis culture by roughly 1000 years. Therefore, it can't either conclusively links the Solutrean (French) and Clovis (US) cultures or provides definitive evidence for post-Clovis occupations. Next, that the route that early settlers traveled is now submerged underwater contradicts the statement that it is indicative of marine dependence during the Paleo-Indian period. Finally, the very earliest human skeletons ever found in the New World was actually found in Pedro Leopoldo, Brazil.