Soviet-war and Vietnam war
Not sure if this is correct but we had written about this a while ago
• outlawed immigration from the USA
•outlawed slavery in TX
•ended empresario program
•tarrifs on goods imported from USA
When looking back on history, one can see that since the 18th century, Britain had maintained the most powerful navy in the world (in WWII as well). So one could make the conclusion that being an island surrounded by water, that Britain’s powerful navy would give them the upper hand in war when it comes to accessing places via water.
In Albania,Ali Pasha ruled as he pleased 1788-1822 until got killed by the Ottomans.Price-Bushoo of Montenegro was successful and was the one who drove the turks from his small mountainous princedom.
Serbia rose against the janissaries and achieved independence in 1878.The leaders for an independent Greece were a mixtyre of chiefs, educated merchants and Orthodox priest.The war againinst the Turks began in 1821,lasted 9 years and lead to many deaths.The island of Chios(1822) was emptied because either they were killed or turn to slaves by the turks