This is false. There are elements that have three letters, however they don't occur as often as those with one or two letter formulas.
The outcome of the gram stain is based on differences in the cell's cell wall(different composition of the cell wall
D. Many amino acids are encoded by multiple codons. A gene mutation that encodes the same amino acid would have no observable effect on the cell or the organism
If gene mutation does not change code (gene still encodes for the same amino acid), the same protein with its function will be produced. This is called synonymous mutation.
Silent mutations might also occur when codon is altered to produce an amino acid with similar function as previous (e.g. leucine to isoleucine) so that the function of protein is not significantly changed.
Disease- and drought-resistant plants that require fewer environmental resources (such as water and fertilizer) Less use of pesticides. Increased supply of food with reduced cost and longer shelf life.