The correct answer is option c. the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
The parasympathetic nervous system is the one that controls involuntary functions and acts. It also causes or maintains a body state of rest or relaxation after an effort or to perform important functions such as digestion.
The sympathetic nervous system is the one that controls visceral reactions and reflexes, that is, it controls how our body responds to a threatening situation, as is the case in the example.
Both systems make up the autonomic nervous system which is in charge of controlling the involuntary functions of our body.
Option (d).
DNA is the genetic material of all the organism except some viruses. DNA is composed of nitrogenous base, deoxyribose pentose sugar and the phosphate group.
DNA replicatese by semi-conservative mode of replication in which one the daughter DNA consists of one newly synthesized strand and one parental strand. This mode of replication was explained by Messelson and Sthal experiment. The cells from 15N medium are transferred to 14N medium the band of intermediate density was observed. The daughter DNA consists of one 15N DNA strand and one 14N DNA strnd. This strand undergo replication in the 14N medium. This time one low density DNA band ( contains 14N - 14N DNA strand) and one intermediate density band ( 14N-15N DNA).
Thus, the correct answer is option (d).
Carbon atoms have more mass than other atoms. They have 6 protons and 6 neutrons plus 6 electrons!
Salivary amylase will be active for only an hour or so because the optimum pH for activity of amylase is about 6.7–7.0 which is available in the mouth but the pH of the stomach is acidic around 1-2 due to which the amylase enzyme becomes inactive in short-time.
The lingual lipase enzyme is present in the saliva but isn't active until reaching the stomach because this enzyme is acid stable and works efficiently in the stomach, not in the mouth.
Amylase enzyme is secreted in the mouth and is responsible for the breakdown of starch in food into sugars and it starts acting as soon as we put food in the mouth whereas Lingual lipase enzyme is secreted along with saliva but it is not active in the mouth rather its activity starts in the stomach which is responsible for the degradation of triacylglycerol molecules.
Learn more about enzymes here
Proteins are broken down by the enzymes pepsin and peptidase, and by hydrochloric acid. Lipids are broken down by lipases.