The secretion of insulin into the bloodstream is done through exocytosis and absorption through the capillary arteries.
Insulin is a protein required to process sugar. This is a <u>naturally produced protein</u> for which the pancreas is responsible. The insulin Protein is considered a transport protein. It is responsible for carrying glucose from the bloodstream into cells to be used as energy.
This protein is of vital importance. The secretion of this protein is done through exocytosis, which means that after passing through the ribosomes and the Golgi, it is contained within a membrane, which will then fuse into the plasmatic membrane and be released from the cell. It is then absorbed through the capillaries to enter the bloodstream.
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Though the lockdown has undoubtedly had somewhat of a negative impact on certain acpects of our society, there’s no denying that our environment has seen certain benefits since we’ve tucked ourselves away in our homes. According to the Earth Observatory at NASA, satellites have detected decreased levels of air pollution as well as carbon monoxide emission. This is attributed to the closure of most industries as well as the lack of cars and other transportation on the road. Though it isn’t just the air we’re beginning to notice changes in- for the first time in a very long time, the canals in Venice are crystal clear. With fewer boats and tourists about, the water is free of pollution for the first time in centuries. With these facts in mind, I can safely say that I believe the lockdown has definitely positively benefited the environment, but it’s up to us to keep it that way once it ends.
21 chromosomes
Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces 4 haploid daughter cells (i.e., gametes) from a single diploid cell. This parental cell undergo one (1) cycle of DNA replication and two (2) cell divisions, thereby, in the case of the Norway rats that have 42 chromosomes, the final number will be 21 (21 x 2= 42)