the only subjects taught then was reading and writing with special cooking and cleaning classes for young ladies. So to answer your question math, science, and any language other than English were not taught. Also art, gym ,and music were not offered as well.
Explanation: assimilation is a term used by Piaget to refer to how children associate new information with their pre-existing knowledge. So when they learn something new they try to relate it to what is already preserved in the pattern of knowledge in their mind. It this process thy don't change their schemas (pattern of information ) but they just relate it to what they already know . Accomodation is when they change the existing Information to fit in the new information.
STRIVING FOR SUPERIORITY refers to putting a maximum effort in order to achieve a level of superiority over other people. This accelerate a motivation to stand out and perfectly in everything that one does so that they will be highly recognised , be respected hence achieve superiority.
Jerry is putting the maximum effort by entering all the local races so that everyone can recognise him and he will attain that superiority he is craving. He even test his limit which means he goes beyond what is normal so that everyone can look at him and say "wow this guy" and be will be more recognised than others and can dominate over them.
By inventing it..................