You should call the company that your credit card is in and ask if you were sent an email. tell the time it was sent. the date. everything.
Except keyboard of F7 and Spell Checkbutton in toolbar, you are also able to apply Spelling check command fromExcel 2007/2010/2013/2016 Ribbon: Click the Review tab; Go to Proofing group; Then you will view the Spellingbutton , that's Spell Check command.
hope this helps
Journaling file system
A "file system" allows the control of data storage and retrieval.
The "Journaling file system" is a type of file system that records the<u> to-be committed changes in the computer.</u> This can track both of the <em>data stored</em> and the <em>related metadata</em>. This kind of data structure is then referred to as a "journal." So, this means that if the system crashes or a power failure happens, <u>there is a lesser chance for the file system to be corrupted</u>. It can also recover <em>gracefully or even more quickly.</em>
So, this explains the answer.