Due to osmosis, the side of the membrane containing more water than the other will release some of its water to the opposite side, until equilibrium is reached. So, if the plant has more water than the soil does, than the plant will lose water (here the cells may shrivel and wilt). If your plant has a higher salinity than the soil around it perhaps it will end up absorbing more water than it is supposed to (here the cells may swell or even burst)
Ezywhen salinity in soil increases the soil becomes hypertonic when compared to cell sap.the movement of particles from a lower concentrated solution to a higher concentrated solution is callede osmosis. in general conditions cell sap is at higher conc. than surrounding media. this allows water and minerals to enter the plant. but when soil is at higher conc. i.e., when its salinity increases the process becomes reversed can you imagine its consequenses?
So this my friend is a Contact Force. Anything that involves pushing, pulling, or creating friction is a contact force. So you will say it’s a contact force. Please Mark me brainliest