Obasi earns 150% of his regular hourly wage while working overtime.
Let us convert percentage into fraction first:
To convert a percentage into fraction we need to use the following formula:
Here, he earns 150% of his hourly wage while working overtime:
Obasi earns of his hourly earnings or 1.5 times of his hourly earnings while working overtime.
Plug in n = 1 into the nth term formula
a(n) = 4n-1
a(1) = 4*1-1
a(1) = 3
So the first term is 3
The second term will be 7 because we add on 4 each time, as indicated by the slope of 4. This is also known as the common difference.
So the nth term is found by adding 4 to the (n-1)st term, in other words,
a(n) = a(n-1)+4
In summary, the answer is
a1=3; an=an-1+4
which is choice B
Well each angle in a rectangle is 90°, so if x is an angle, it's 90°
I hope that helps!
Step-by-step explanation: