Companies enter into strategic global business alliances for variety of reasons. One of the most important reasons is<u> to gain access to another company's knowledge or resources. </u>Companies can also decide to join forces to <u>develop new products or to enter a market that neither could enter alone</u>.
The best strategic alliances are those which help a company move quickly from one strategic group to another.
1<u>. aim at raising an industry's barriers to entry. </u>
<em>One characteristic of strategic alliance is that a well-conceived alliance can mean a head start in a market, </em><em><u>possibly even preventing other competitors from entering. </u></em>
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<u>2, are those whose purpose is to create an industry key success factor. </u>
<em>Forming strategic alliances is one approach to establishing standards in an industry. </em>
<u>3. are highly selective, focusing on particular value chain activities and on obtaining a particular competitive benefit. </u>
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<em>Strategic Alliances involves sharing research and development costs and facilities provides good value for money, </em><em><u>while sharing expertise can speed up the process.</u></em><em> The sharing of expertise is to obtain a particular competitive benefit.</em>
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4. involve joining forces in R&D to develop new technologies cheaper than a company could develop the technology on its own.
<em>As stated in point 3 above, </em><em><u>Sharing research and development costs and facilities provides good value for money</u></em><em>, while sharing expertise can speed up the process. </em>
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