Answer: The correct answer is A.
Explanation: a) Both focused on the rail road industry. The purpose of Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Anti-trust Act is to set guidelines on how the railroad companies could do business. They have the same purpose. The Act became a Law which demanded "just and reasonable" rates; prohibited favoritism in rates for shippers or products, prohibited special rates for individual shippers, prohibited pooling of traffic and established an Interstate Commerce commission.
The proper way to punctuate the use of a conjunctive adverb (however) when connecting two independent clauses is as shown in "J."
The only other way is to use a period (instead of a semicolon) and use a capital "H"" for however.
.... frighten me. However, ...
Save This Word! A need or problem encourages creative efforts to meet the need or solve the problem. This saying appears in the dialogue Republic, by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato.