Phospholipids are the substance/structure that is the building block of the cell membrane. Without phospholipids, we wouldn't even have a cell membrane and wouldn't really have any way how to shield and guard or control th epassage of substances across the cell surface. The cell membrane is at the same time partially permeable; this means it will let certain ions that can be found in the intra and extracellular fluid in and out, while others will be kept from moving so freely.
During the summer months, the water table tends to fall, due in part to plants taking up water from the soil surface before it can reach the water table. The water table level is also influenced by human extraction of groundwater using wells; groundwater is pumped out for drinking water and to irrigate farmland.
A. 1/16
If we break the dihybrid cross of AaBb X AaBb into individual monohybrid crosses:
Aa X Aa :
A a
a Aa aa
1/4 of the progeny will be homozygous for dominant allele (AA)
Similarly, in cross Bb X Bb 1/4 of the progeny will be homozygous for dominant allele (BB)
Hence, in cross AaBb X AaBb:
1/4 * 1/4 = 1/16 will be homozygous for both the dominant alleles.
A fall-arrest system should be worn while climbing a tree or any tall structure. This will enable the person to have a thing to break or slow his fall if he loses his grasp from the trunk of the tree.