This story shows us that humans are messed up and broken, but even in the most broken of states, our humanity can shine through. The narrator is broken down and in a bad place, but still feels remorse about the state he's left his kids in. This person celebrates that one of their daughters is doing alright, but they don't want to mess things up for her by moving in with her. Their humanity and love for their children is shown in this, even though they're all messed up.
Ive read this before about odysseus but i think he felt like he didn't know where he was and he wanted to get back 2 his family...........hope this helps
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Can this match = Stomach hair is responsible for producing belly button lint. "The scaly structure of hair firstly enhances the abrasion of minuscule fibers from the shirt and secondly directs the lint into one direction — the navel — where it accumulates," he wrote. "The hairs' scales act like a kind of 'barbed hooks.
The option which best explains how the historical passage might enhance a reader's understanding of the personal narrative is:
B. The historical passage connects the personal experience of planting and harvesting corn with technical information about farming.
We can easily eliminate option A because the passage does not show evidence of why the Wampanoag were once hunter-gatherers. Quite the opposite, instead of gathering they are farming in the passage.
Letter C claims that the story told by the grandfather is more factual. Looking this passage up online, I found the previous lines. The grandfather is actually telling a sort of fantastic story involving Mother Earth and the prairie rabbit. We can also eliminate this option.
Letter D claims that the passage is about modern technology and how it changed the Wampanoag's relationship with their harvest. However, the passage does not mention technology at all.
The best option then seems to be letter B. While the grandfather is talking about his experience with planting and farming, the narrator is describing it in more technical details: the types of crops that were sowed together and why.