Implementation file
In popular object oriented programming languages like C/C++, The implementation file (source file) of a class is used to hold the code implementaion of the method(s) of the class, this is helpful for seperating interface and method implementation. When this seperation exists, header files will be used to declare all the methods and fields of the class.
In this way, the implementaion file will hold the actual source code of the methods that are declared in the header file and will have a line to include its associated header file. A major advantage of seperating code in this way is the enhancement of better code organization and code re-use
The above statement is FALSE.
The layout gallery displays 9 slide layouts NOT 10.
These 9 layouts have various<span> placeholders to define text and content positioning and formatting.
</span>1 - Title slide
2 - Title and content
3 - Section Header
4 - Two content
5 - Comparison
6 - Title only
7 - Blank
8 - Content with Caption
9 - Picture with Caption
The simple interset program is a sequential program, and does not require loops and conditions
The simple interset program in Python, where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:
#This gets input for the principal amount
P = int(input("P = "))
#This gets input for the rate
R = int(input("R = "))
#This gets input for the number of years
N = int(input("N = "))
#This calculates the simple interest
I = P * R * T * 0.01
#This prints the simple interest
print("Simple Interest =",I)
Read more about simple interest at:
Indicate Elevation means that there might be an administrator lock/login needed to download that file.
The user's browser renders the html code as a visual web page