subtitution mutation
The T in the middle is subtituted with C.
Hope it helps.
When a doctor refuses to care for a certain patient. This can be for numerous reasons, maybe they are not fit to undergo a surgery of some sort, or are being problematic. Either or the doctor nor the patient benefit form this. Doctor misses out on someone to help (i assume that’s the attitude of one working for the greater good) and the patient misses the opportunity to possibly get the help they need.
A or B
To be honest both are accurate.
I would also say that the answer is C
A Land mass is large geographical area that is surrounded by oceans. Therefore this can be synonymous to continents.
The crust is divided into tectonic plates that are dynamic because they move on top of the semi-plastic mantle. The movement of the tectonic plates is driven by the convection currents of the mantle that drag along the crust above. The tectonic plates collide at convergent boundaries where tectonic plates are consumed as one is subsided into the mantle. On the other hand, new crust is formed at divergent boundaries where two tectonic plates move away from each other and magma rises from the mantle and cools into new crust.
The convection currents occurs because the lower mantle is hotter and less dense compared to the cooler denser upper mantle. Therefore the upper mantle always tends to sink as the lower mantle rises. These convection currents are the same as in any other fluids that are disproportionately heated.
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