We fear flying in a plane, nuclear power plants or being struck by lightning more because our risk perception isn't rational. We assess risks using a mixture of cognitive skills (weighing the evidence, using reasoning and logic to reach conclusions) and emotional appraisals. In this case, we believe that overheating or lack of exercise is something we can control. We believe we can feel the process taking place and we can react in time. We fear all the situations that we cannot control.
This patient both has left-sided heart failure and right-sided heart failure. In left-sided heart failure, this patient exhibits increasing shortness of breath on exertion as well as three pillow orthopnea which indicates pulmonary congestion. This is because of pooling of blood in the pulmonary circulation. Bipedal edema, in this patient is a grade 2 bipedal edema, reflect right-sided heart failure as there is pooling of blood in the systemic circulation, causing transudation in the most dependent areas of the body.
alright bet I got this
Have you ever wondered what can happen to those plastic bottles you toss away? How do they decompose? What happens to them? Its simple really, they get eaten! No, not by people of course they are eaten by a tiny critter called a wax worm. The wax worms earn their name because they are often found living in beehives where they eat the beeswax.
Wax worms much like mealworms are used to break down things that would normally be endangering to our environment. These seemingly useless little animals do a whole lot for our environment especially with the amount of waste we produce! They really are a tiny secret hero to todays pollution problem.
After quite a few studies scientists are still unsure on how was worms can breakdown plastic with their tiny bodies but they appreciate the work these little recyclers do. They have a lot of theories on how these worms do this one of the theories is that bacteria can break it down, another theory is that enzymes in the worms intestines break down plastics. Though scientists believe it will take a while to figure this out they enjoy studying and learning more about this tiny helper.
Altitude decreases the temperature in the troposphere....