Answer: the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behavior, origin, and distribution.
the physiology, behavior, and other qualities of a particular organism or class of organisms.
the plants and animals of a particular area
D. One is polar, and one is nonpolar
Traits that are sex-linked are carried on either the X or Y chromosome. If they are carried by a female, they are X-linked traits, and if they are carried by a male, they are Y-linked traits.
Take for example - you touching something sharp and instantly moving your hand away.
Sensory neurons in your fingers detect the external stimuli of the sharp object and send a nerve impulse to the spinal cord (does not reach brain) and is sent back to a motor neurone - attached to an effector that moves the muscle and moves the hand away. This is a rapid reflex action and involuntary.
There is more than one codon that can specify most amino acids, therefore you never know which one was used for a particular protein, unless you can look at the DNA or RNA sequence.