yes ,the existing laws for women can help to stop the crime against women
yes, because in august 2017 our prime minister Narendre modi have stop three talkha pratha
When an adolescent's newly sophisticated metacognitive capability causes him or her to become self-absorbed and believe that the world is focused on only him or her, this is called <u>b) adolescent egocentrism</u>.
Adolescent egocentrism is the term used by psychologist to describe the incapability of young people to differentiate between their perception of what people think about them and what others actually think in reality.
The adolescent egocentrism concept was expressed by the psychologist David Elkind. Adolescent egocentrism is found in children of age 10-14 years. They always think about what others will think about them. The young people consider themselves as center of attention and never focus on others views.
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After Alexander died in 323 B.C., his generals (known as the Diadochoi) divided his conquered lands amongst themselves. Soon, those fragments of the Alexandrian empire had become three powerful dynasties: the Seleucids of Syria and Persia, the Ptolemies of Egypt and the Antigonids