I'm not sure what your text book indicates, but attraction towards the person you're considering dating is important to establish a deeper bond between the two people. We can also associate the person's good qualities with a pleasing experience.
They are held together by electromagnetic force, and their nuclei are held together by the nuclear strong force.
It’s rebirth
Re = “again” or “back”
Naissance = comes from the French word “naître” which means “to be born”. But the actual word “naissance” (which is French as well) means “birth”
Answer: Unconditioned Stimulus
B) Conditioned Stimulus
In Classical conditioning, learning occurs when a neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus which can bring about conditioned responses.
For example, unconditioned stimulus (food) is presented repeatedly just after the presentation of the neutral stimulus (bell). After conditioning, the neutral stimulus alone produces a conditioned response (salivation), thereby becoming a conditioned stimulus. From this example, if a dog salivates whenever it sees food but a bell is rung before the food is presented, Overtime just ringing the bell will make the dog to salivate.
Native americans used spears made out of stone to hunt animals to make a place to settle with no fear of wild animals.